Thursday, May 29, 2008
I Am DONE...Whoop..Whoop!!
Well, almost anyway!! I have spent the last year of my life in the middle of so much political drama by being the vice president of the PTA! If you know me well that wouldn't surprise you a bit, I have trouble telling people no, and I am very active in Madie's school. Well, after a very tedious school year, and Bryan about to strangle me about a dozen times, it's all coming to an end. I have set up the new PTA for our new school that opens in the fall, and we elected the new board, which I am happily not on!! I have one more event, which is tomorrow! It figures the year that I am VP and in charge of special programs the principal would retire, so we are having a big "bash"! So Bryan finally gets his wife back, he pretty much threatened to kill me if I signed up for another board anytime soon! Just sucks the next two weekends are already full, and I think we need a COLD drink to celebrate!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Well, Bryan went to his diabetic check up today, and got a clean bill of health!! His A1C has come down to 8, which is good for Bryan. His cholesterol and blood pressure were excellent, and his kidneys are in great shape. Every time he goes I sit on pins and needles just hoping everything is okay, and it always is! He did get something VERY exciting, some of you may think this is so goofy but it's HUGE for Bryan. He has to do 3 injections a day, yes everyday. Well, they have a new insulin that mixes the two insulins he needs together, so now it's down to only 2 shots a day!! That's a big deal for Bryan because he hates having to do that extra injection, and fought it for like 2 years, until the Dr. pretty much made him. So the Dr. gave him 2 months worth of insulin to try, saved us some money LOL!! Well, for the first couple of weeks I am going to be on his tail, which I am sure he will love, to check his blood sugar more, just to watch for a reaction. Well, until next time.....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Let The Dog Days Of Summer Begin!!
Well, the girls took their first dip in the pool on Saturday!! I swear they could swim in the middle of the winter, there was no way Bryan and I were getting in that water! Madie did so much better than we expected, usually the first couple of times every summer she struggles, but this year she did great. Payton amazed us!! Last year she was the weirdest kid ever and screamed the whole time she was in the water, which Bryan loved making worse!! This year she was all about the water, a little too brave for my liking! Oh and in the pictures she has these goofy goggles on, she loved them, and it took us forever to get them off of her!
Daddy got them off by bargaining with FOOD!!

Madie also had her first cheer camp on Saturday too! She was so cute, when the older girls were cheering she was just in awww. I was so proud of her, when it was her turn to perform she wasn't shy a bit! Bryan and I think it's hilarious how different the girls are. Madie is just like me outgoing, goofy, and will talk to anyone. Payton is just like Bryan, shy until she gets to know you, and likes to sit back and observe! Well, when we got home Madie informed me that I need to hurry up and sign her up for tumbling so she can learn a back flip!! Oh great, that's all we need!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Intro...
Well, I finally found a way I can keep the family updated, and enjoy my interest for blogging at the same time!! A little about us: Bryan and I got married on April 25, 2003, we enter the marriage with Madison (Madie) who had just turned 3. After a few years of treatments, we were blessed with another daughter in 2006, Payton (PayPay). Wow how amazingly crazy it was adding another one!! Then in September 2006 we had our dream home built, where we finally have room to breathe!! Funny thing is now I am thinking it's too big, sshh don't tell Bryan. I am grateful that we ALL love the outdoors, that is where we spend most of our time!! We are constantly on the go, and I love it that way, I literally have to force myself to slow down, and relax! We are also a family who lives a very green life. We cook with whole/organic foods, we make our own cleaning supplies, we recycle almost everything, and the list goes on. Sure our kids get to splurge too, we LOVE snowcones in the summer, and we do occasionally eat out. I for one LOVE mexican food. Believe it or not though when we do eat out our girls still make healthy choices, it's just how they like things. The only exception is when they go to Grandma's, but that's how it's supposed to be, right? Well, I hope you enjoy my numerous ramblings!! Now I am going to bed!!!!!!
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