Thursday, October 30, 2008
I think Bryan and I are going to have our hands full with Payton!! The other day I was doing my makeup. and Payton was getting into everything in my bathroom. So I decided to get some old empty makeup containers, brushes, and a makeup bag. I made it all special just for her so she could be like Mommy. She LOVED it!

Friday, October 24, 2008
Air Show....
We decided to take a picnic lunch and watch the air show go overhead in a nearby field. Well, after about 5 minutes we all decided that going inside looked like a lot more fun! It sure was. As you can tell I hardly got any pictures of planes flying because we were so busy looking at everything else. Of course, our little tomboy Madie, was all about learning every last detail. There was so much history on the planes, and the military, and we all know she is our little history buff! Payton was so excited, that is until we sat down for lunch. We got really close to the strip to watch the planes while we ate our lunch, and we were just sitting and talking, when a LOUD plane went by. Well, you can see in the pics below Payton wasn't very happy. We really had a lot of fun and were really glad we decided to go inside! They day did end with Payton happy again waving bye to the planes!

Friday, October 17, 2008

For those of you that don't know, Payton is in LOVE with choo choo trains!! So some friends from the mom's club decided to go on a train ride, so Payton and I went. She had so much fun. She loved when the conductor would yell "all aboard". She would open her mouth real big, with a huge Payton smile, and say "Mommy hear that". She loved the horn, she would get all excited when they would honk it. We made a pit stop where they let us get out and look at the train, get some snacks, and stretch. Daddy was a little sad he didn't get to go, because he said he knew she had to have been so excited, and he hated he missed seeing it. We plan on all going back soon!
Payton with her friend, and our neighbor, Ryan

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Look Mom I Did It!!!
Madie is super excited!! She finally took her training wheels off, and she did great! I was cooking dinner, and Bryan took the girls outside, and he said she hopped right on and took off. I wish I could have been right there, and I didn't get many pics because she was ready to take off! I was stressing because she is 8, and refused to take them off, but it came all in good time. We love to go ride bikes as a family, and it is going to be so much easier now. We have been telling her forever now that they were only getting in the way, but she finally believed us, and built up that confidence. She usually rides her scooter all the time, which I think was a big reason it took so long. Well, needless to say I don't think she has rode her scooter in 2 weeks!! Now she wants Santa to bring a new bike!! ;) 

So Much Fun.....

Madie had her homecoming game and parade last week, and it was so much fun!! I love seeing her enjoying the things that I loved, and sharing that with her, it's AWESOME! Her team got to participate in the high school's homecoming parade, then we went and watched the pep rally, which was followed by a fireworks show. Madison loved it!! I think her favorite part of the night was when after the pep rally most of the people from the stands went out on the field during the fireworks. She did a cheer with a friend, her cartwheels, her roundoffs, she just had a blast!! 

Her face in this picture cracks me up!
Sweet Sisters

Here are some pictures from the game that Saturday! Payton LOVED her mum that Aunt Amber made her, Thank You Amber!! You can see in the pictures how I usually spend the games with Payton. We sit at the very bottom, as she hollers "SISSSYYY", and just idolizes her. Also she was a little unhappy so Grandma went and got her candy, notice the smile! Oh and her team won 30-0!!

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