Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tooting My Own Horn...
Well, it's probably no surprise to most of you how we recycle almost everything in our home, and discuss wasting with the girls frequently. So I decided I was going to take on a challenge, and try to get the school to implement recycling in the classroom, and cafeteria. So I had to get approval through the administration building before I could even take it to the principal, which I received on Monday. So today I got approval from the principal to implement the program at Madie's school!! In December they will have their team member meeting, which is the lead teacher in each grade, and she wants me to work out the specifics with the teachers then. I am so excited! I even volunteered to do all the leg work if I needed to, ex: picking up the trash cans for the classrooms, make the recycle signs, put the signs on the cans, and etc. I also will have to get with the city to have a big recycle bin delivered to the school, and get the on the trash day pick up. I talked to a few fellow PTA board members, and they are all excited to offer their help. I think it's important to teach the kiddos the benefits, and consequences if we don't recycle. Just because it's discussed in our home doesn't mean every child knows the importance. So needless to say I am super excited, and can't wait to hear what the teachers have to say about it! Seeing as to the PTA does so much for them, they are usually on board with whatever we want to do, especially if we are doing the work. I am sure they will accept it, and even help with it! I think it would be awesome if the whole district implements this in all the schools, over 13,000 students!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
We had a blast this year for Halloween!! Both of the girls looked so adorable, Madie was a pirate, and Payton was a ballerina. We went to a festival that our HOA and a local church put together, then we headed out for some door to door. Payton was so funny! She is so shy, well apparently not when someone is giving her candy. She would walk up to everyone, and said trick or treat each time. Also everytime she would get candy she would run back up to us and say "CANDY" really excited!! It was a blast, and was great that both of the girls were so excited this year!! Now if Bryan and I could just stop raiding the bags!

Pumpkin Carving....

Here are some pics from us carving our family pumpkin this year. Madie loved gettting down and dirty, and Payton wanted nothing to do with it once the top came off. This year Madie carved her own small pumpkin, and Payton colored hers.
Madie showing Daddy what she wanted the family pumpkin to look like.
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