Friday, May 16, 2008

The Intro...

Well, I finally found a way I can keep the family updated, and enjoy my interest for blogging at the same time!! A little about us: Bryan and I got married on April 25, 2003, we enter the marriage with Madison (Madie) who had just turned 3. After a few years of treatments, we were blessed with another daughter in 2006, Payton (PayPay). Wow how amazingly crazy it was adding another one!! Then in September 2006 we had our dream home built, where we finally have room to breathe!! Funny thing is now I am thinking it's too big, sshh don't tell Bryan. I am grateful that we ALL love the outdoors, that is where we spend most of our time!! We are constantly on the go, and I love it that way, I literally have to force myself to slow down, and relax! We are also a family who lives a very green life. We cook with whole/organic foods, we make our own cleaning supplies, we recycle almost everything, and the list goes on. Sure our kids get to splurge too, we LOVE snowcones in the summer, and we do occasionally eat out. I for one LOVE mexican food. Believe it or not though when we do eat out our girls still make healthy choices, it's just how they like things. The only exception is when they go to Grandma's, but that's how it's supposed to be, right? Well, I hope you enjoy my numerous ramblings!! Now I am going to bed!!!!!!


Mom said...

Wow what a great idea, the pictures of the girls are so cute... It was a big step for Payton to get in the water.. I can say the last time she spent the night she wasn't afraid to take a bath so hopefully the water fear is in her past.... Madison at Cheer camp seeing the pictures something just hit me why now I don't know but she is growing up too fast... Please let me know the next time she has the camp and I will make sure I go to see her perform. Seeing the pictures officially made me feel bad I didn't go.. Also what day next week is she having the awards ceremony at school, I need to let work know I will be in late that day... I will try to remember to get online often and look and blog with you. Love Y'all Mom...

Mam-Ma said...

This was such a great idea. I love to be able to stay current with the girls. I'm hoping that Payton may want to come stay a few days also. I love the pictures.
Love, Mam-Ma and Pap-Pa

BethanyBarron said...

What a wonderful idea! I want to start blogging myself but my life wouldn't be near as interesting and fun to read about as yours :) We don't get to spend near enough time together or get to talk as much as I love to... so i'm so excited that I can stay up to date with your, Bryan's and the girls life. Love ya'll very much and can't wait to see ya soon!