It's back to school time!! I typically love this time of year with all of the excitement, but it's sad too. You see ever since Madie started school I don't see her as older when she has a birthday now it's whenever she starts a new grade, which is 3rd this year! This year was a lot more exciting for all of us. See when we had our house built we bought right next to where there would eventually be a new elementary school. In the meantime though, two full school years, I had to drive twenty six miles round trip twice a day to take her to school, and it was a huge pain. Well, the wait was so worth it and us deciding to build where we did is so paying off. We drove from our driveway to the parking lot and it was .2 miles, yep not even half a mile! Also we walk everyday and from our door to the door of the school is six minutes, but I can make it in four if I really tried, and we are loving every minute of it. For some reason we never felt "home" yet because the school was missing, I know kinda silly, but now it feels great! Also the staff is amazing! At meet the teacher the principal decided to surprise the kids with a special visitor, which I knew for two weeks since I am a chair on the PTA, and it killed me not to say anything. So right at the time meet the teacher starts you see the staff round the corner chanting "everywhere we go, people wanna know, who we are, so we tell them, we are the mighty mighty Longhorns" then what do you know the principal rounds the corner saddled up on a longhorn. It was awesome and set such a good tone for the new school year, they continued to chant as she rode it up to the corral where the kiddos were able to pet it, and take pics. She then welcomed all of us to "the ranch". It was very exciting!! Madie has been back at school four days now and she is loving every minute of it, I am just sad I can't sleep passed 7:00am anymore!! Oh and check out the pic of Payton. She misses Madison so much when she is gone, so even though it was great for Madie, Payton really struggled all week. She would ask all day "go get sissy, ride my car". When we would pick her up she would run and say "Sissy I miss you"! It was so sad and so sweet!

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