As usual I am behind, I will do my best to get caught up over the next few days. A little over a month ago Madie had her investiture ceremony for Girls Scouts. This is where she offically became a Brownie, got her pin, and made her promise. This so fits Madie's personality perfectly. Madie isn't much of an athletic child. It's not that she isn't good or capable of it, it's just not where her interest is. Madie is more into art and science. She is also one of those kids that wants to change the world, and make an impact on other's lives. We were driving down the rode one day, and out of nowhere she asks me, "Mom one day do you think we could walk along the rode with bags and pick up trash?" How on earth do you say no to that. So we discussed what Girls Scouts platform is, and she was so excited to be a part of it. I can't wait to see the amazing things she is going to achieve!!
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